Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors

   The Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism quarterly published manuscripts in English from various fields of medical and natural as well as humanistic sciences linked with sport, physical and health education, tourism and physiotherapy. It covers the following types of papers:

  • original research papers (maximum 12 standard pages of typescript, including tables, figures, references and abstract),
  • review papers commissioned by the Editor (maximum 20 standard pages of typescript, including documentation),
  • short communications (maximum 3 standard pages of typescript plus one table or figure and up to 5 references),
  • letters to the Editor delivering an opinion or a comment to published manuscripts (maximum 2 standard pages of typescript),
  • current news (information on conferences, abstracts of Ph.D. theses and Post-Doc. theses, book reviews, biographical notes),
  • advertisements that may be covered on separate pages of the quarterly (prices are subject to individual negotiations).


Papers must be accompanied by the following cover letter, signed by corresponding Author:

   “The undersigned Authors transfer the ownership of copyright to the Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism should their work be published in this journal. Authors state that the article is original, has not been submitted for publication in other journals and has not already been published except in abstract form, preliminary report or thesis. Authors state that they are responsible for the research that they have carried out and designed; that they have participated in drafting and revising the manuscript submitted, which they approve in its contents. Authors also state that the reported article (if it involves human experiments) has been approved by the appropriate ethical committee and was undertaken in compliance with The Helsinki Declaration”.

   Papers submitted for publication should be sent to the Editorial Office via our online system ScolarOne Manuscript ( They should be single-page typed in Times New Roman (12 points), with the following margins: 3 cm on the left, 2 cm on the right, 2 cm on the top and 2 cm on the bottom, with 1.5 line spacing, without justification nor formatting. Indentations should be made of 3 characters not using a tabulator.

   Research papers and short communications will be sent anonymously to two reviewers. Depending on the reviewers’ opinion, the Editors will make a decision on their acceptance or rejection. The Editors’ decision is ultimate.

   Title page should contain: title of the paper, short title (maximum 40 characters), first and last names of authors with affiliation (one affiliation to each author), first and last name of corresponding author with postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail.

   Abstract (up to 250 words) consisting of the following sections: introduction, material and methods, results, conclusions as well as 3-6 key words, should be provided before the body text.

   Body text should be sectioned into: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if necessary), and References. In articles of other types, the text should follow in a logical sequence and headings of its particular sections should reflect issues discussed therein.

   Introduction – should be short and concise; it should introduce readers into research problems addressed in the study as well justify undertaking the research and specify its objective.

   Material and methods – should describe the subject of the study (in the case of human subjects data should include their number, age, sex and any other typical characteristics) and methods applied in a sufficiently exhaustive way to enable readers to repeat the experiments or observations. For generally known methods only references should be given, whereas detailed descriptions are to be provided for new or substantially modified methods.

   Results – should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and figures. Data collated in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text which should summarize the most important observations.

   Discussion – should emphasize new or important aspects of experimental results and discuss their implications. Results of own studies are to be compared with findings described in the respective domestic and international references used by the Authors.

   Conclusions – should be stated in points or descriptively and should be logically connected with objectives stated in the Introduction. Statements and conclusions not derived from own observations should be avoided.

   Acknowledgements – should list persons or institutions that helped the Author(s) in preparing the manuscript or provided financial support or technical assistance.

   References – should list only to those quoted in the text and connected directly with the topic of the study (not more than 50 references). They should be presented in the order in which they are cited in the text. In quoting them in the text only their respective number from the list of References should be given in parentheses. References quoted in tables ad figures are to be included in the list of References. Non-published works should be avoided. References should include up-to-day world literature. Manuals etc. may be quoted, but exceptionally. Each reference entry should provide as follows: last names of authors and initials of their first names, year of publication, full title of manuscript, title of periodical in accepted abbreviation, volume, first and last page of the manuscript. In case of non-periodicals (e.g. books), the author’s (authors’) name(s) should be given followed by year of publication, chapter’s title in collective works, editor’s name, book’s title, publisher’s name, place of publication, and from-to pages of the chapter. When there are six or less authors, list all of them; when there are seven or more, list the first six and add: et al. If article is not in English, authors should translate the title into English and enclose the language of translation in square brackets. Do not translate the title of the journal or the name of a publishing house. The authors’ names and the title of the article written in Cyrillic alphabet should be transcripted in Latin. Referring for articles in electronic form is admissible.

Polish J. Sport Tour.



Sunnegarth J., Bratteby L.E., Hagman U., Samuelson G., Sjolin S. (1986). Physical activity in relation to energy intake and body fat in 8-13-year-old children in Sweden. Acta Paedriatr. Scand. 75(4), 955-963. DOI: xxxxxxx.

Books and monographs

Karski J.B. (2003). Promocja zdrowia. CeDeWu, Wydanie I, Warszawa.

Chapter in a book

McPherson R., Stiller G.A. (1996) Effects of dietary fatty acids and cholesterol on cardiovascular risk factor in man. [in]: G.A. Spiller (ed.) Handbook of lipids in human nutrition. CRC Press, New York, 41-48.

Conference communication

Wolański N., Siniarska A. (2005) Urban-rural and ethnic differences in body build and fitness of school children in Yucatan, Mexico. 9th International Scientific Conference “Scientific Fundaments of Human Movement and Sport Practice”, September 16th-18th 2005, Rimini, Italy, pp.

   Tables – should be prepared on separate pages (saved in separate files) and numbered using subsequent Arabic letters. They should be provided with titles (above). Every column in a table should have a brief heading and more extensive explanation should be given under the table, e.g. statistical measures of variability.

   Figures – should be prepared in an electronic form and saved in separate files. A separate page should be provided with legends to figures, authors’ names, manuscript’s title, and consecutive number of figure with “bottom” or “top” identification. Photographs or other illustrative materials may be submitted in an electronic form (*.tif, *.jpg, image resolution: 300 or 600 dpi) or any other form suitable for final technical typesetting by the Editorial Office.

   In the appropriate places in the text consecutive numbers of tables or figures should be provided in parentheses, e.g. (Tab. 1) or (Fig. 1). Places of insertion of the illustrative material should be marked with pencil on the margin of the typescript.

   General principles – the Editorial Office reserves for itself the right to correct stylistic errors and to make necessary changes (abridgements) in the text without Author’s knowledge. Manuscripts not prepared following Instruction to Authors will be sent back to Authors for revision. Galley proofs of manuscripts will be sent to Authors for proofreading. It is the Author’s responsibility to return the proof within one week. Each Author will receive free-of-charge one copy of the issue in which their work appears.

   Manuscripts are liable to copyright resulting from the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and from the Universal Copyright Convention. Any part of the manuscript may be reproduced, archived nor transferred in any form without consent of the copyright owner.

Editorial Office/Publisher Office address:
The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
Faculty of Physical Education and Helath in Biała Podlaska
2 Akademicka Street
21-500 Biała Podlaska
tel.: +48 083 3428819
fax: +48 083 3428800

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